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List:       kfm-devel
Subject:    regression (from KDE 2_1): crash on IFRAME
From:       Vadim Plessky <lucy-ples () mtu-net ! ru>
Date:       2001-10-25 21:35:40
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I occasionally found today another regression in KDE 2.2 comparing to 2.1
Save attached files to disk, than run IFRAME_Banner-Demo_OnVista.html
It displays ok.

Then press Back button in Konq.
Konq crashes ;-((
I reproduced this 3 times before sending this mail.

Note that this testcase was prepared by me when tracking IFRAME layout for 
these bugs (KDE 2.1beta time, 12.01.2001)
Bug#18270 (www.surfeu.at)
But there were no crashes on those sites, just mis-rendering.

As you may notice from HTML, these iframes are in fact banner ads by 
DoubleClick (http://ad.de.doubleclick.net).  Example was extracted from 
As these ads are pretty common (in Germany) I guess we can reduce potential 
threat of crashes fixing this example.

Thorsten, can you check please if you get crashes on these sites with 2_2 
branch?  (I guess easy way is to go to OnVista and click on different 
links/banner ads)


Vadim Plessky
http://kde2.newmail.ru  (English)
33 Window Decorations and 6 Widget Styles for KDE
KDE mini-Themes

["IFRAME_Banner_Demo_OnVista.html" (text/html)]

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<!-- saved from url=(0028)http://portfolio.onvista.de/ -->
<TITLE>OnVista - Startseite</TITLE>
<META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type>
<META content="OnVista AG" name=AUTHOR>

<BODY aLink=#ff0000 bgColor=#ffffee link=#000000 text=#000000 topMargin=0 

<TABLE align=center bgColor=#c0c0c0 border=0 cellPadding=3 cellSpacing=0 
  <TR align=middle>
    <TD><IMG alt=Anzeige border=0 height=60 
      src="anzeige.gif" width=10>

            from http://apps.kde.com/if/2/latest/
 <IFRAME align=top frameBorder=0 height=197 marginHeight=0 marginWidth=0 \
src="APPS_KDE_com - if - 2 - latest_files/header.html" width=849>

<IFRAME SRC="../header.html" SCROLLING="auto" HEIGHT="197" FRAMEBORDER="0" \
MARGINWIDTH="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0" WIDTH="' + tframeW + '" ALIGN="top">
Your browser does not appear to support inline frames.  Please click <A \
HREF="/rf/2/latest" TARGET="_top">here</A> to view a no-frames version or <A \
HREF="/nf/2/latest" TARGET="_top">here</A>  to view a regular frames version of this \

<IFRAME SRC="../latest.html'" SCROLLING="auto" HEIGHT="3200" FRAMEBORDER="0" \
MARGINWIDTH="0" MARGINHEIGHT="0" WIDTH="' + iframeW + '" ALIGN="top" NAME="main">
Your browser does not appear to support inline frames.  </IFRAME>

<!--   IFRAME section  --->
    <!--     replace  src="banner468x60.html"  with src="banner468x60_table.html"     \
                **********************************************************    -->
              <IFRAME frameBorder=0 height=60 marginHeight=0 marginWidth=0  \
                scrolling=no  src="banner468x60_table.html"  width=468>
            <A HREF="http://ad.de.doubleclick.net/jump/portfolio.onvista.dart/Depot;sz=468x60;tile=1;ord=978084262">
            <IMG SRC="http://ad.de.doubleclick.net/ad/portfolio.onvista.dart/Depot;sz=468x60;tile=1;ord=978084262" \
BORDER="0" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60"></A>  </IFRAME>

<!--   ILAYER section  --->
      id=ad1 HEIGHT="60" WIDTH="468" VISIBILITY="hidden">
    <TD align=right>

<!--   IFRAME section  --->
    <!--     replace  src="banner234x60.html"  with src="banner234x60_table.html"     \
                **********************************************************    -->
            <IFRAME frameBorder=0 height=60 marginHeight=0  marginWidth=0 \
scrolling=no  src="banner234x60_table.html" width=234>

            <A HREF="http://ad.de.doubleclick.net/jump/portfolio.onvista.dart/Depot;sz=234x60;tile=2;ord=978084262">
            <IMG SRC="http://ad.de.doubleclick.net/ad/portfolio.onvista.dart/Depot;sz=234x60;tile=2;ord=978084262" \
BORDER="0" WIDTH="234" HEIGHT="60">  </A>
      id=ad2 HEIGHT="60" WIDTH="234" VISIBILITY="hidden">
	  <IMG alt=Anzeige border=0 height=60 src="anzeige.gif" width=10>

<!-- Head -->
<!--    Commented, SRC address changed to local file  
<LAYER id=layer1 
onload="moveToAbsolute( (((window.innerWidth - 760) / 2) > 0) ? (((window.innerWidth \
- 760) / 2) + 10) : 20 ,ad1.pageY);  \
layer1.clip.height=60;layer1.clip.width=468;visibility='show';"  width="468" \
visibility="hidden"  \

<LAYER id=layer2 
onload="moveToAbsolute( (((window.innerWidth - 760) / 2) > 0) ? (((window.innerWidth \
- 760) / 2) + 494): (494 + 15),ad2.pageY);  \
layer2.clip.height=60;layer2.clip.width=234;visibility='show';"  width="234" \
visibility="hidden"  \

<LAYER id=layer1 
onload="moveToAbsolute( (((window.innerWidth - 760) / 2) > 0) ? (((window.innerWidth \
- 760) / 2) + 10) : 20 ,ad1.pageY);  \
layer1.clip.height=60;layer1.clip.width=468;visibility='show';"  width="468" \
visibility="hidden"  SRC="banner468x60.html">

<LAYER id=layer2 
onload="moveToAbsolute( (((window.innerWidth - 760) / 2) > 0) ? (((window.innerWidth \
- 760) / 2) + 494): (494 + 15),ad2.pageY);  \
layer2.clip.height=60;layer2.clip.width=234;visibility='show';"  width="234" \
visibility="hidden"  SRC="banner234x60.html">


["banner234x60_table.html" (text/html)]

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<!-- test example by Vadim Plessky -->
<META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type>

<BODY bgColor=#ffffff>
<img src="banner234x60.gif" width="234" height="60" border="0" alt="Banner 234x60">
<!--   height="60" attribute is supported by MS IE 5.x and Konqueror  -->
<TABLE bgColor="#CCCCCC" width="234" height="60">
        <TD>This table has 234 pixels in width and 60 pixels in height


["banner468x60_table.html" (text/html)]

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<!-- prepared by Vadim Plessky -->
<META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type>

<BODY bgColor=#ffffff>
<!-- <A 
<img src="banner468x60.gif" width="468" height="60" border="0" alt="Banner 468x60">

<TABLE bgColor="#CCCCCC" width=468 height="60">
        <TD>This table has 468 pixels in width and 60 pixels in height


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