I was noticing for some time that some sites have too small fonts (not all elements, but several ones!) Recently CNN changed layout (and many other sites from AOL Time Warner empire have now layout/CSS similar to CNN), and I decided to look in details what is going wrong. Reference URLs: http://money.cnn.com http://top.list.ru:8005/Rating/Computers-OS/Today/Hosts/1.html Testcases: http://htmltests.newmail.ru/test/small-text-CNN-money.html http://htmltests.newmail.ru/test/small-fonts-testcase-TopList-2.html Screenshots: http://htmltests.newmail.ru/test/cnnmoney-Konq22.png http://htmltests.newmail.ru/test/cnnmoney-Opera5-Linux.png http://htmltests.newmail.ru/test/toplist-Opera-Linux.png http://htmltests.newmail.ru/test/toplist-Konq22.png First I thought that CSS rules with font sizes in pixels are guilty here. Surprisingly, but pixel-sized fonts were displayed ok. But really guilty constructions are like this: { FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 70% } when font-size is specified as %% of containing block's height. I uploaded screenshots made with recent version of Opera5 for Linux - and fonts (these testcases, and sites) are looking ok, *readable*. Does somebody has any idea what's going wrong? Is Opera just emulates broken MS IE behavior, or it's something different? Opera uses the same QT2 as KDE, so I was confused to see so much different results. Can it be that 70% of parnet's font size is calculated *slightly wrong* in KHTML? Oh, yes, system details: XF 4.1, AA-enabled, QT 2.3, KDE 2.2.1, both Arial and Verdana TrueType fonts installed. X is running at 96dpi. There is *no* problems with font sizes on other sites. -- Vadim Plessky http://kde2.newmail.ru (English) 33 Window Decorations and 6 Widget Styles for KDE http://kde2.newmail.ru/kde_themes.html KDE mini-Themes http://kde2.newmail.ru/themes/