Dear Calligra contributors,
Congratulations again on the donation [1] and big thanks to the Handshake Foundation for recognizing Calligra!

tl;dr: I'd like to propose that 10% of the sum goes to support Krita.


As person helping with completing the donation process I'd like to repeat the fact that Calligra was recognized by the Handshake Foundation as an organization having specific achievements in the FOSS world. The Foundation decided to offer the donation unconditionally and independently of the KDE's one.

Unlike other "Office" projects Calligra has no dedicated foundation so the solution was to join KDE e.V. on the task around the bookkeeping and related matters and to ensure transparency. It also felt most natural since we're KDE. So there was no decision of the KDE board or KDE community to split the one fund to Calligra and the rest of KDE, there are two funds.


Now that we're around next, harder step, I'd like to share my position that addresses possible question of the contributors and fans: what with supporting Krita?

Based on what I learned from the donor the funding is based on recognition for the *entire* history of KOffice/Calligra so Krita being important member of our family, not only can but *should* be included i nthe support. Krita has been on the same level of organization as other Calligra applications until 2.9 version [2]. There were 10 visible Calligra apps, not counting variations of apps like mobile or Active and the Office Engine. So I'd like to propose that 10% of the sum goes to support Krita, formally the Krita Foundation.


This is my idea, without any requests from the Krita side. And for my understanding the idea does not limit possibility of Krita or current Calligra to benefit from the "KDE" donation, especially indirectly, e.g. through the shared infrastructure and common development programs.

Common sense suggest me reasonable requirement for supporting Calligra sub-projects: they needs to be active (have relatively recent releases) with potential to growth, and activity should be sufficiently independent of existence of the attractive funding that was received. I think Krita meets these requirements.

regards, Jaroslaw Staniek

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