On Friday 20 October 2006 21:34, Matthew Woehlke wrote: > Also, is there any way to force the left pane to be full height and the > bottom pane to fit in the remainder of the window minus the left pane? > With kmdi-ideal this is potluck, i.e. if I restart KDevelop I usually > get what I want about every other time. With simplified it seems to be > consistently the way I don't want it. I could probably get used to this, > but it would be better if it was configurable. Well actually those things you're talking about distract me too but I can't really fix them without hacking qt dock widgets (and the bottom pane placement is simply impossible even to hack). What I want to say here is that I simply can not fix that problems. The goal of "simple ideal" was not only to have the simpler UI but to have simpler code. This means we rely on dock widget implementation in Qt and some problems you have are problems with dock widgets (#1 is simpleideal bug though). And I don't want to add more hacks now, let's just wait for KDevelop4 where things should be a bit better. _______________________________________________ KDevelop-devel mailing list KDevelop-devel@barney.cs.uni-potsdam.de https://barney.cs.uni-potsdam.de/mailman/listinfo/kdevelop-devel