Hi all, as the subject says, this is about the upcoming LinuxTag 2001 in Stuttgart, Germany. b) KDE contact persons for organizing the booth ----------------------------------------------- Contact persons will be Torsten Rahn, Eva Brucherseifer and me. Please CC everyone of us if you're sending one of us a mail about the linuxtag. Email addresses I forgot: torsten@kde.org - Torsten eva@kde.org - Eva nolden@kde.org -myself Cheers, Ralf -- Finally, even I have to admit that being myself was the best thing that ever could have happened to me. - Le Grand Charmeur ********************************** Ralf Nolden The KDevelop Project http://www.kdevelop.org nolden@kde.org rnolden@kdevelop.org ********************************** - to unsubscribe from this list send an email to kdevelop-request@kdevelop.org with the following body: unsubscribe »your-email-address«