Giorgi, this is probably a bit off topic but might prevent you from wasting time with fixing something that's being phased out anyway. I almost had the same problems with my RH7 installation but I didn't research these problems as my intention was to upgrade to the _latest_ stuff. To me it appears that RedHat is in favor of Gnome and the RH guys just deliver "some sort of" KDE, but it doesn't seem to be supported very well. If you do not have to support KDE1.x apps I would recommend to completely upgrade to the latest official releases of several packages: - get kernel 2.4.2 from The 2.2.16 stuff located on the original RH7 CDs is broken. They applied hundreds of patches to the kernel - obviously to make the distribution ready for the 2.4 series and to have USB support. The latter is a weak backport of the 2.3 drivers and crashed my machine very often (average uptime was at most 5-6 hours...). These weird crashes disappeared after disabling USB support in 2.2.16 and 2.4.2 is as stable as usual (no crash since upgrade, boxes running 24h/day). - get XFree-4.0.2 (RH7 RPMs are available) - get KDE 2.2.1 (RH7 RPMs are available) After these "small" system updates start Kdevelop and enjoy. Especially when you only want to study the Qt toolkit I think it doesn't make too much sense to go with the old stuff. Qt2 offers a lot more and improved functionality than Qt1 does and you probably would reinvent the wheel when looking for solutions for Qt1 while Qt2 might already have exactly what you want/need (for example thread support which is provided in a very portable manner by Qt 2.2.4 - no more pipe or socket orgies!). Going with Qt1 now just doubles the effort. First you have to learn how it all works and a couble of months later you will have to port your work to Qt2. So why not using Qt2 from the beginning? Best regards, Juergen > > --========_FocalMail3aa951d6dbf48==_ > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" > > I have just reinstalled my RH Linux 7. When I am trying to create a Qt project, the program (KDevelop) can not find qt-1.45 libs. When I configure it by the option --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt-1.45, the project is created. But if I try to make it, all I have is the error message: error in qt-1.45: > > \'qregion.h:73:182 \"defined\" without an identifier.\' > > Of course, in Options->KDevelop setup the path to qt-2.x is set correctly. > Another thing is that there is nothing ready in /opt/KDE-2.x. > I know where to get the needed kdesupport and kdelibs and how to build them, but perhaps the RH Linux 7 distribution already has them? I tried to find them, but in vein. Is it possible to use the complete KDevelop-1.2 (that is what comes with RH 7) without downloading something? I do not want to update it, because I\'m just studying it. > > Thanx. > Giorgi -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J. Süßmaier Systementwicklungen Jürgen Süßmaier Realtime Software Development Katharina Geisler Str. 14 Embedded Applications D-85356 Freising Automation Germany ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - to unsubscribe from this list send an email to with the following body: unsubscribe »your-email-address«