Can someone put me back on track. I can't seem to get a working Help system (KDevelop 1.3) with any user other than root. Symptoms are that during the KDevelop Setup as regular user, the search process takes just a few seconds and claims that the installation is finished. Search_result.html -the HT-Dig results page - doesn't get created when searching either. I checked the path information to the libraries and so on. It's all identical to that being used by root. I use HT-Dig and it appears to be working just fine in the KDE help system (all users). My system is SuSE 7.0. I have the old and new KDE Desktops (up to 2.1Beta1) and their Qt companions. My Helpsystem hates me regardless of desktop. In Kdevloprc the qt_doc and kde_doc paths are pointing to the old libraries. Is there anyone out there who can help me get this straigtened out? With thanks in advance, mfG Eric Sorensen - to unsubscribe from this list send an email to with the following body: unsubscribe »your-email-address«