What about removing the write permission on all the files? Something like this in your project directory:

   $ chmod -R a-w * .kde4

This would also prevent changing the Kdev4 project files.


On Aug 13, 2012 5:17 PM, "Justin Chen" <Justin.Nankai@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi there,

I am a big fan of kdevelop which is very convenient to read code in my opinion.
Recently, I am learning a new big system with kdevelop. In order not to modify
the code mistakenly, I just change the source files to be "read only" by using
"Editor->tools->read only mode". However, I can only set one single file to be
'read only' at a time, which is very inconvenient for me. I just wonder whether
it is possible to set all source files to be 'read only' at a time?



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