Hi, finally I've found the time to make the binary-rpm and the src-rpm for KDevelop 2.1.2 on KDE 2... Here they are ftp://ftp.ee.fhm.edu/pub/unix/ide/KDevelop/binaries/SuSE-7.3/kdevelop-2.1.2-2.i386.rpm and ftp://ftp.ee.fhm.edu/pub/unix/ide/KDevelop/binaries/SuSE-7.3/kdevelop-2.1.2-2.src.rpm Have fun... Ciao Walter -- Diese Mail ist haltbar bis: Siehe Rueckseite. -- The KDevelop project: tasin@kdevelop.de [www.kdevelop.org] :-------W. Tasin_FB_04_FHM---------------------PGP-KeyID:0x7961A645----------: - to unsubscribe from this list send an email to kdevelop-request@kdevelop.org with the following body: unsubscribe »your-email-address«