Hi, Subscribed a few days ago, but haven't seen much traffic... Hope this list is active..? I have a SOGo (2.0.5) server with a caldav calendar, containing over 1500 items. The calendar works on various clients: thunderbird/lightning, CalDAV-Sync on android, so there seems to be nothing wrong with the calendar itself) When adding this caldav calendar to Kontact, I only see the 7 test appointments, which I recently created in Kontact/SOGo, and NONE of the 1500 (imported) items show up. Note again: I can see all 1500 appointments on other software, INCLUDING those 7 test items that I created in Kontact. I have checked with wireshark while adding the calendar to Kontact, and I saw that ALL appointments are transferred to the Kontact. Not just the few that DO show up. Adding new items to the calendar works, and I can see them on all clients. Akonadiconsole gives me the same 7 appointments, even though wireshark tells me that many more have been provided by the SOGo server. And, I have exactly the same problem on my Nokia N9, Meego. Appointments made by Kontact and the N9 both show: "PRODID:-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML libkcal 4.3//EN" so I'm guessing there is some kind of incompatibility there. And that's why I'm reporting here. Can anyone help? Has anyone seen this before? Of at least give me some pointers where to start looking? Anything..? Kind regards, MJ _______________________________________________ KDE PIM users mailing list Subscription management: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kdepim-users