
I just found a crash when trying to synchronize my Tungsteng T5 with Kpilot using bluetooth.

The procedure was:
- Normal Hotsync (worked fine)
- pilot-dedupe -p net:any DatebookDB AddressDB ToDoDB  (fine also)
- On the pilot ScanDB found some incorrect entries on the Datebook which were fixed (OK)
- I inserted a couple of entries on the handheld and some more on korganizer.
- On Kpilot copy handheld to PC (didn't crash but the pilot entries are not shown on kpilot)
- Normal Hotsync (kpilot crashed)

I run:

gdb --args kpilotDaemon --debug=99 --nofork 2>&1 | tee /tmp/kpilotDaemon.log

As Jason pointed on previous posts on this ML.

Crashes again, now with the full trace which I'm attaching.

Just for giving more info:
- Debian Sid (recent dist-upgrade)
- pilot-link 0.12.2-9
- Kde from svn (kdelibs and kdebase fairly recent)
- kpilot from today's svn update kdepim branch not kdepim-3.5.5+

Any hint?

Thanks in advance!