tirsdag 28 november 2006 12:54 skrev Graham Cobb: [maybe related bug about pasting] > I still haven't been able to work out a way to reproduce it. I have the same problem. Trust me, I have tried to figure out why it happens, to be able to file anything that could be useful as a bug report, but I simply can _not_ figure it out. It seems to occur in "droves" - this morning, no problems whatsoever. Yesterday afternoon, several "stalls". I only wished I could provide more info, but at least I have been confirmed in that there may be an issue. Regards, Mads -- Mads Bondo Dydensborg. madsdyd@challenge.dk So the lesson of BBC is that if you're misleading about whether the government misled you into war, management must resign. What about the simpler case -- you're just misleading about going to war? - Lawrence Lessig (30.01.2004) on BBC and the Iraqi war _______________________________________________ KDE PIM users mailing list kdepim-users@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kdepim-users