Hi guys


We are a small OpenSource company in Germany specialised in TYPO3 and due to our close connection to the OpenSource world we sponsor dozens of successful OpenSource projects that help us in our daily work and/or are great contributions to the OS world as such. Therefore we have also picked your project as a possible recipient of sponsorship.


We currently sponsor e.g. TYPO3, ImageMagick, Horde, DotProject, DokuWiki, Mantis, KDE, RSSOwl, Serendipity and more. In general we offer three kinds of sponsorship.


1.         Monthly sponsoring of around 50 to 100 USD

2.         Sponsoring of Rootservers for Mirrors or as webservers.

3.         Redesign of the projects website incl. a TYPO3 setup.


If one of these offers sounds interesting to you, I would be glad to hear from you soon so we can work something out. All we ask for in return for our sponsorships is a short mentioning on the site somewhere.



Hear from you soon

Kian T. Gould



AOE media GmbH Logo

Kian T. Gould
Geschäftsführer / CEO

AOE media GmbH
Borsigstr. 18
65205 Wiesbaden

Tel. +49 (0) 6122 58 70 24
Fax. +49 (0) 6122 58 70 99
Mobil: +49 (0) 177 38 191 09

e-Mail: gould@aoemedia.de
Web: http://www.aoemedia.de/

Pflichtangaben laut Handelsgesetz §37a / Aktiengesetz §35a

USt-ID Nr.: DE250247455
Handelsregister: Wiesbaden B
Handelsregister Nr.: 22567

Stammsitz: Wiesbaden
Creditreform: 625.0209354
Geschäftsführer: Kian Toyouri Gould

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