Hello Webmaster,

Thanks for the normally good reading on this website.

I am using already 3 years SuSe and KDE now respectively version 10.0 and 3.5.1

I tried to read the presentations KDE Presentations FOSDEM 2006 Talks but I had a lot of difficulties and that not a good sign. Just to be specific I would like to make the following comments :

1 If I click on KOffice Interface (OpenDocument) and on the popup on open I get a screen full of unreadable garbage. What is the problem.

2 If I click on HTML by Sander Koning and click on the next sreen on Click here to start the Slideshow I come to the 1st slide. But navigating to the next slide is only possible with button Next on the top of the screen meaning for each slide, after reading, scrolling upwards to reach Next button and select next slide

3 If I click on Krita (PDF) by Bart Coppens I can coorectly view the PDF document.

4 If I click on Kubuntu (OpenDocument) I have the same comments as under comment 1

5 If I click on HTML by Jonathan Riddell I have the same comments as under comment 2

6 If I click on Marketing (KPresenter) I get a popup screen but don't know what to select to open the document correctly. I had at least 2 failures

7 If I click on HTML by Sebas Krügler my comment is the same as comment 2

8 If I click on Screenshot automation (OpenDocument) my comment is the same as comment 1

9 If I click on HTML by Sander Koning my comment is the same as comment 2

What should I do to improve this experience and what about other readers



Frans Leerink