Dirk Mueller wrote: > - submissions will still have to go through the regular freshmeat > contribution/review cycle. I think this is a good thing. > - The webpage is mostly based on templates and therefore can > be customized to our look&feel. > - either http://kde.freshmeat.net or http://apps.kde.org/ would be > possible > - as long as the customized webpage still contains a freshmeat > branding and the regular ads, they would be happy to provide > bandwidth, server and maintenance. I think this sounds fantastic, and we can even generate some PR for both projects. > - They're interested in helping with customizing the webpage > layout to fit KDE's requirements. One question though: Right now all I see when I go to the KDE Desktop Environment link is a long long list of applications. Is there any way of having this arranged hierarchically to suit us better? We would also need the 10 most recent apps listed on the front page of the link, of course. All this should be by default without requiring accounts, IMHO. (Forgive my ignorance of Freshmeat functionality.) Also, can we include Qt apps (if not already)? > What do you think? IMHO this sounds quite good. The ads-requirement > might be a bit bad - but kde.com also had ads as far as I > remember. But it might be possible for GNOME's to launch a ad-banner > on freshmeat of course. No KDE.com didn't have any ads as far as I know, only some "pretty background" links but those were voluntary and generated zero income. It's really too bad we do not have Andreas' input on this. :( Later, Navin. _______________________________________________ kde-www mailing list kde-www@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-www