After reading all your interesting stories, I guess it's also my turn. So for all of you who didn't read my last introduction, here is a new one: Well, I am german and also leave in Germany - in Darmstadt, that's close to Frankfurt. I'm 29 and at the moment I am a PhD student at the Technical University in Darmstadt. Before that I studied electrical engineering and there I first met Linux and KDE :-) In the meanwhile I have a boyfriend who is as computer addictive as I am and we only have linux at home. We both spend a lot of our free time with KDE, but each of us found an own corner of activity. My stuff is mostly the event organisation, like Linuxtag and CeBIT, but also a lot of testing, writing bug reports, administrating several mailinglists etc. The most recent project is a new KDE domain called, where I'd like to have some kind of database to organize events, where people can register for an event and other can see who's coming. So I am going to struggle with mySQL... During my job I do a lot of C++ coding and I am very much interested in software engineering with design patterns, refactoring and XProgramming. The reason why I like linux and KDE so much is, that I can do things on my own. I can always learn how to solve problems and if necessary I can change the system by changing the code. That doesn't mean, that I 'm necessarily doing it, but I appreciate the freedom very much. So why KDE-women? It's great to know, that I am not the only (weird) one :-)) And the rest of my life... well, I don't exactly smoke, but I appreciate a good single malt very much. Also I love italian pasta and like to experiment on the weekends :) Another hobby is motorbiking and reading good books (e.g. by Marianne Fredrikson, an excellent swedish author). Ciao, eva -- Dijkstra: "Testing can prove the presence of bugs, but not their absence." _______________________________________________ kde-women mailing list