Hello there, I finally got kopete running onder x64 (yes :)) and it even seems to work very nicely. However, pictures of avatars aren't visible and I cant set an avatar to my user account. The reason is that kopete failes to write down the avatar as png in my user profile. I can see the complete folder structure under: c:\users\[myuser]\appdata\roaming\.kde\share\apps\kopete\avatars\ but when writing the image to the disk the path looks like: D:\c:\users\[myuser]\appdata\roaming\.kde\share\apps\kopete\avatars\User\50ebb0ef48852b1f0fa7f48ff7750ff3.png (thanks to Process Monitor) My base installation path for kde is d:\opt\kde4. I haven't tried it, but may be everything is alright if the kde root is somewhere on c:\. Regards, Jens _______________________________________________ Kde-windows mailing list Kde-windows@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-windows