Hi, on vista applications need the following manifest to be added The idea is to add a postbuild task to every executable target by creating a macro KDE4_ADD_MANIFEST like shown below, which is called in KDE4_ADD_EXECUTABLE. macro (KDE4_ADD_MANIFEST _target_NAME) get_target_property(_executable ${_target_NAME} LOCATION ) message(STATUS ${_executable}) add_custom_command( TARGET ${_target_NAME} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/mt.exe ARGS -manifest ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/Win32.Manifest.in -updateresource:${_executable} COMMENT "adding vista trustInfo manifest to ${_target_NAME}" ) endmacro(KDE4_ADD_MANIFEST) macro (KDE4_ADD_EXECUTABLE _target_NAME) .... add_executable(... .... IF (WIN32) KDE4_ADD_MANIFEST(${_target_NAME}) ENDIF(WIN32) This works fine except the cases where the output name of a target is changed after the the call to kde4_add_executable like done in kdelibs/kjs # 'kjs_bin' because cmake doesn't like having a lib and app with the same name kde4_add_executable(kjs_bin NOGUI ${kjs_SRCS}) set_target_properties(kjs_bin PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME kjs) target_link_libraries(kjs_bin ${KJSLIBNAME}) In this case the manifest will be added to the executable named kjs_bin.exe, which is wrong. A solution for this problem would be to call KDE4_ADD_MANIFEST after set_target_properties and not in kde4_add_executable, say in a kde specific target_link_libraries but there is no kde4_target_link_libraries available yet - how to solve this probblem in a central place ? Assumed that there would be a kde4_target_link_libraries macro available the next point is that KDE4_ADD_MANIFEST should only be called if the target is an executable target not a shared library target. The only way I know to detect this case is to check the extension of the target file name retrieved with get_target_property(_executable ${_target_NAME} LOCATION ). Is there any other way known ? Ralf _______________________________________________ Kde-windows mailing list Kde-windows@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-windows