Hello, Lots of us are frequently using kwalletmanager to get/store the secrets for the ever extending sensitive information. We click it's icon to pop the main window, then double click the main wallet icon to pop another window, that will eventually go to the second display (that's my case). Perhaps you put aside a quick thought that this should be changed, but return to the task under hand. And then forget about this until you'll next need to use kwalletmanager. :-) During last days I finally sat down and did a ui-refactor and now kwalletmanager handles all the wallets inside a single, KPageWidget based design. A screen capture is far better than a hundred words so here it is: http://imgur.com/MD3GDxO As you may see, the ancien kwalleteditor window moved inside a KPageWidgetItem. All the legacy code was left untouched. Only slight adjustements were done, to allow ui objects reference changes. I tried to preserve as much code history as possible. This also prevents regressions. The sources layout was also slightly changed to be more KF5 compliant. There's now a src subdirectory that has a manager and a konfigurator subdirectory. All this refactoring was done in a dedicated branch named "ui-refactor" I just pushed to the main repository. The application is fully functional and you can just checkout that branch, compile and replace your current kwalletmanager ;-) Next things to be done are: - review these changes - here I need your precious feedback - implementing features you may suggest - update the handbook - merge the code to the main branch when decided Thanks, PS I'd like to say a big *thank you* to the *gammaray* team who did a really great tool that showed very handy when analysing existing ui layout. -- Valentin Rusu (vrusu) IRC: valir KSecretsService (aka KSecretService, KWallet replacement) _______________________________________________ Kde-utils-devel mailing list Kde-utils-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-utils-devel