On Tue, 30 Jun 1998, Ervins Gailiss wrote: > hi! > > I checked just a minute ago and on ftp.kde.org there still was no > /1.0pre1/distribution directory.... and nobody from KDE developers > answered the question about it! > So. I'm still uncertain - Is 1.0pre1 released yet? I mean there was NO > ANNOUNCE about 1.0pre1 availability (or I'm just missed it) and there is > no Beta4 directory anymore on ftp.kde.org. On the other side the latest > release declared on www site is Beta4..... Strange. A set of packages slipped into a directory, but they were not really intended to do so, and they had a few nasty bugs. A full set of pre1 packages is currently being tested and will be released very soon. As soon as they are released, they will, of course, be announced. Best regards, and a little patience :-) ("\''/").__..-''"`-. . Roberto Alsina `9_ 9 ) `-. ( ).`-._.`) ralsina@unl.edu.ar (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._`. " -.-' Centro de Telematica _..`-'_..-_/ /-'_.' Universidad Nacional del Litoral (l)-'' ((i).' ((!.' Santa Fe - Argentina KDE Developer (MFCH) "I can attempt anything, specialization is for insects" (50% Heinlein).