Welcome aboard. Take a look at the following post from archive. http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-usability/2001-August/000277.html IMHO, this needs to be put on the usability web site so people can see what needs to be done and what is currently being worked on. This will be updated and changed continuously. Jono, if you want to me htmlize this, just let me know the format you want it in. Currently, Jono has asked that all Usability reports be submitted to the list until the database is complete. Please just post a link to your report so we can read and comment on it. Matt C. has volunteered to start working on the New User Usability Test. Since we don't have access to a computer lab, this will be administered and reported by various list members. How you contribute depends on what you are interested in doing. If you can think of a project that needs to be started that we haven't thought of, please let us know. Seems like you are in a unique position to observe new users of KDE; their reactions, likes, dislikes, complaints, accolades, and frustrations in KDE's usability. We welcome your comments and insight on this list. Jim On Saturday August 18, 2001 9:50 am, Marcus Oliver Notz wrote: > Hello KDE-Usability Team! > > I 'stumbled' over the website while doing some research for an open project > and think what you are doing here is a very important and interesting > thing. I would like to get involved and offer my help for whatever it is > needed. I hope this is the right procedure to do so... > > > Quickly to me: > I am from Connecticut, U.S., born in Germany close to Stuttgart and moved > to here about 1.5 years ago, when I opened my business. We have a computer > technology and a marketing department and offer in both sides of the > business a well rounded package of consulting, services and products. > I would love to hear back from you, have a great day all, > Marcus...;-) -- 3:42pm up 25 days, 16:14, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Caldera eD2.4 - Linux - because life is too short for reboots... _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability