Hi! I'm the maintainer of the Country & Language configuration module in KDE. Thomas Diehl and I have discussed how this module should look, and we would love to hear what you think. Please check of the current version in HEAD. At the moment we're consentrating on the main page, and how to select secondary languages. I guess most users doesn't know the concept of secondary languages (if the first one isn't found, let's try the second), so it has to be explained somehow. My implementation is the one in HEAD. Thomas' version is described below. The problem with my version is that it's hard to reorder languages. I was thinking about adding a UP and down button, but I'm not sure if that will help. Any ideas? Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Engineering Cybernetics bieker@stud.ntnu.no / bieker@kde.org / +47 97651633 Dagaliveien 25 A | Elgesetergate 23 B N-0776 Oslo | N-7030 Trondheim Siste nytt fra industrien finner du p=E5: WWW.Industri-Informasjon.NO ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 11:53:11 +0200 From: Thomas Diehl To: Hans Petter Bieker Cc: Stephan Kulow Subject: Re: kcmlocale Am Freitag, 17. August 2001 11:08 schrieb Hans Petter Bieker: > Please send patches. Can't create patches. As you know I'm not a programmer. > So why did you send me the old .ui file if you didn't want it that > way? ;-) Send me a new one then.. What I sent was just meant as an example how the thing could look after adding 2 more languages. The rest was explained in the comments: * By default it could look very similar like the 2.x dialog, execpt that the language combo would be the last one in the list (changing places with encoding). * Below the default language combo box there would be a "Add Language" button. (Maybe also a "Remove Language" button (greyed out until there was an additional language installed), see below.) * After clicking on "Add Language" a dialog would appear that shows all installed languages and tells the user what will happen if (s)he installs one of them ("If there's no primary language the secondary one will be used, if neither one is there the third one etc.") * After selecting and clicking OK a new combo box appears below the "Add Language / Remove Language" which shows the secondary language. * This procedure can be repeated until there are X languages (3? 5? infinite?). The user can change the priority of languages by just selecting another one in the combo boxes. Only remaining question would be: How to organize the "Remove Language" thing if there is more than one additional language. Since I presume combo boxes can not be selected like list entries there should either be an extra "Remove" button aside of each new language combo or there would have to be another dialog that asks which of the additional languages should be removed. The first option is probably better. Regards, Thomas --=20 KDE translation: http://i18n.kde.org/ Deutsche KDE-Uebersetzung: http://i18n.kde.org/de/ _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability