From kde-usability Thu Aug 16 09:52:09 2001 From: Jim Conner Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 09:52:09 +0000 To: kde-usability Subject: Re: A Question About Implementation X-MARC-Message: This KDE Usability project is linked on the main KDE web page. There has been articles about us on More than likely there are some developers that know about us. Either Jono or each report maintainer needs to contact the appropriate developer(s) to let them know when new reports and studies are written. The developer can then comment to the list, Jono or the report maintainer as to what their thoughts are about the reports or studies. Communication is a two-way street. We need feedback from the developers and they need feedback from us. The feedback we'll get from the developers will be on the difficulty of implementing certain solutions to usability issues or even their personal opinions of these issues. Most developers want their project more easy to use and more widely accepted. One thing the Usability web page needs is the e-mail address and name of each developer for each project. This can be on the Maintainer's web page next to the maintainer. This would facilitate the maintainer's communication with the developer when new reports and studies are written. Hopefully each maintainer will create a good dialog with each developer. We need to present our ideas and opinions as just that and not mandantory changes that need to be done. The key to it this communication with the developer is to convince them why our ideas and opinions are good and solid solutions to make KDE more usable for the user. If our solutions are impossible or near impossible to implement, then we need to either come to a compromise with the developer, come up with a different solution, or bring it back to the list to be discussed. The more we listen to the developers the more receptive they will be of us. The reports and studies have to be written so that the developer will understand why certain changes need to be done in their project. If the developer can see why these changes need to be done, they will be more receptive to making these changes. Communication is the key to the success of the KDE Usability project, both directly to the developer and in the written reports and studies that we write for the developers to read. Jim On Wednesday August 15, 2001 1:32 pm, JP S-C wrote: > Dear All, > I like Jim's Todo list and started considering writing some more > work or writing. However, I wonder before any of us do a huge amount > more of work, if anyone has a sense of how well received our > reccomendations will be or if (even some of them) will be implemented? > I know from talking with some people on #kde that some developers are > very receptive (to a reasonable degree), whereas others are less. Do we > have any "as close-to-official" word(I realize there is no "official" > word since KDE is supposed to be a virtually control-free community) on > whether or not the big KDE developers will support our reccomendations > or whether or not they have any sense about how other developers will > view / receive our work? > I realize this is sort of a hard question to answer and it cannot > be answered completely or with 100% accuracy, but I think before we > write tons of reports and put in many hours it would be nice to have > some sort of official "we will welcome and constructively discuss your > work" from KDE-core and main application developers. I would just hate > to see developers get mad a usability people for some communications > problem or seeming presumptious (writing lots of reports without telling > them) and then for usability people to get mad for having spent so much > time on something that will not be implemented. > > Anyone know the people on the kde-core-devel, konqeror-devel (or > equivalent), koffice-devel, etc well? > > Just a thought. > > Best, > > --JP -- 3:42am up 23 days, 4:14, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Caldera eD2.4 - Linux - because life is too short for reboots... _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list