Sebastien, A great idea! Here's the ones I can think of off the top of my head... *********************** A Practical Guide to Usability Testing, by Joseph Dumas and Janice Redish (this has a lot of good forms and a step-by-step approach to usability testing. It's one of my favorites.) About Face, by Alan Cooper (if you buy one book on UI design, buy this one. It's got all kinds of good examples of what things work and what things don't, and why.) Usability Engineering, by Jacob Neilsen (if you can get around his arrogant assumptions and ignore some of his unsubstantiated opinions (see the last chapter), there's some good info in there) Set Phasers on Stun, by Steven Casey (reads like a novel. Somewhat scary examples of usability gone awry, but it really brings home the message of how important usability is. If you're trying to get a usability study approved at your company, make your boss read this.) The Design of Everyday Things, by Donald Norman (another one that reads like a novel. You'll never look at a door the same again. Really!) The Invisible Computer, by Donald Norman (where computers (er, excuse me, "information appliances" are going. Quite interesting, and you can see it's happening already) Human Factors for Technical Communicators, by Marlana Coe (interesting background info and studies, related to design but not specifically UI design) ****************************** Also, is anyone familiar with "A Handbook of Usability Testing," by Jeffrey Rubin? It's on my list of books to order, but I haven't gotten around to it yet... Hope this helps! -j Jennifer E. Jobst Linux Information Development IBM Linux Technology Services (512) 838-8298, T/L 678-8298 _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list