Hi! Am Montag, 20. November 2006 18:32 schrieb Aaron J. Seigo: > non-kde apps: we can't solve the problems of the world. we can provide a > proven implementation of this in .directory files, create an fd.o spec and > trust other projects to adopt it if it makes sense. We can. ;) > smb:/ would be covered just fine via the kio framework I meant when accessing the fs from a windows-client. > the problem i see with creating folders with a localized name in the > filesystem are: > > - it makes scripts (e.g. shell scripts) locale dependant. not fun. How many official KDE-scripts are there that would be affected? > - it means that when you switch languages at run-time your folders don't > change name How many people switch language at run-time? Let's say somebody switches back and forth between two languages, his first choice (installation) would still be a good thing to use for the foldernames, even if it is not English because people do not necessarily switch between English and X anyway, so English might even be "wrong" for both languages the user uses. If the folder was localised, it would at least be right for one of the languages used. > these are both non-issues if we were to use .directory files. Even if one would do it that way it would not solve the problem of having different names on the filesystem and in the GUI. If one considers language switching a problem, which only very few people use and those who do might be skilled enough to work it out, the konsole problem is more prominent IMHO, since more people use the konsole than switch languages. I think that the best solution would be to have variables that indicate the actual name of the folders. If there was for example something like $USERDOCUMENTS and it was agreed on by Gnome and KDE (would that be freedesktop?), then one could avoid all inconsistencies and problems regarding scripts and filesystem<->GUI. In case the user would switch languages at run-time the variable would not change, since it is set to the local language that was set on first start. Just because somebody switches languages does not mean that one wants to have the foldernames switch language too. However, it does neither mean that the not-changing foldername has to be in English. One might even offer a button that renames the folder automatically, when switching languages and alters the path and variable, but since only very few switch languages and want their foldernames to switch too, I do not think that this is necessary. Sven _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability