Hi all, I was thinking about the modal dialog boxes, that had always usability issues. I think the main problem is that they are almost never read by the user, because they are seen as a brutal interruption of the user's work. I have also seen many times when a dialog box is prompted, the user say:"aah, stop bugging me!" and regularly (s)he clicks on the close button on the title bar, of course without reading the message at all. Because unfortunately the dialog boxes can't be totally removed, i think that a partial solution woul be not showing the buttons on the titlebar of modal dialog boxes, at least not the close button. IIRC also mac OSX have a similar behaviour, but it doesn't even have the title into the titlebar, but i think it's bad, because it's not easy spotting to what application belongs that window. Some time ago i did a kwin window decoration based on smooth blend codebase (http://kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=21107) and with the last version i implemented the option to hide the buttons on the modal, fixed width dialog boxes. It's a little while i use that feature regularly and i don't see particularly big problems, but maybe i miss something :-) What do you think, would be this an acceptable default for the distant future? -- Cheers, Mart _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability