I am wondering, why in KDE 3.4, we need this Konqueror option "Show 'Delete' menu entries which bypass the trashcan". Consider... - Deleting directly by bypassing the trash can is not something you want novice users to do - Advanced users (the kind who change defaults) can easily learn keyboard shortcuts like Shift+Delete - that is if they don't know them already (this has been the shortcut in KDE for this for many moons I think) - What advanced user even uses right click to delete anyways So why even have the option to put it in that menu? No one is going to know it is there, and even if those who do would likely not use it since they will be using the keyboard. -- Jason Keirstead http://www.keirstead.org _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability