Well. I resend this message without the joined file. The mockup is viewable at this address: http://les83plus.free.fr/sebastien.laout/hangman-keyboard.png Le mar 31/08/2004 à 22:30, Anne-Marie Mahfouf a écrit : > > Perhapse the interface can be *completly* redesigned and just present a > > virtual keyboard to the user (each keys are buttons)... > like KTouch for example? But what about keyboard layouts for cyrillic for > example? Yes, like KTouch, but with QButton to make clear they are clickable. Yes, for intrnationalisation it's not easy. But unfortunaly I don't know how Chines or Cyrillic (don't know this language) do for entering text. I suppose they have keyboard ( ;-) ) but don't know how. > > Then, the user just have to click the buttons to enter letters and the > > lineEdit issues are solved (if the letter is accepted by the game as > > soon as it is pressed and then dissappear from the lineEdit, it could be > > as confusing as needing to press Enter, IMHO). > > In this case, those buttons could be checked in red for Missed, or > > rounded in green for good chars: the feedback is immediate and at the > > position where the cursor/eyes is/are. > > > > *PossibleImplementation: render the character in a pixmap, then apply an > > icon of round/check if needed) > I don't understand what you mean. Instead of making m_button[0]->setText("A"); use setPixmap() like that: QImage img; img.drawText("A", QPoint(0,0)); QPixmap ok_ico = loadIcon("ok"); QImage ok_img = ok_ico.toImage(); KIconEffect::overlay(img, ok_img); m_button[0]->setPixmap(img.toPixmap()); Note: this code is "fantesist": I don't have courage to look in the docs for compilable code ;-) Or perhapse QButtons can have the loadIcon("ok") as a background. > > *Question: Should the buttons disabled when clicked? > > If yes, a special QIconSet should be programmed to avoid the icons > > to be shaded when disabled > Don't understand either. When a button is clicked, it can't be clicked another time. So, it could be good to write m_button[0]->setEnabled(false); But the text and the icon would then be grayed. Not beautiful. I *think* create a QIconSet that do not gray disabled icons could solve the problem... > don't make it too easy by leaving only the possible letters for the user ;-) Programatically, yes :-) For the user, it solve the lineEdit problem. Hum... he loss the ability to use keyboard. Perhapse not so dramatic. A solution could be to accept keyboard inputs in the SAME way kcalc accept them: ie. pressing key_num_8 simulate the press of the QButton [8] (khangman would act consistently, but for letters, of course). > I would prefer NOT redesign everything at this stage (i.e. for 3.4). There's > too little time. A mock-up of your proposal would be nice so I could > understand it better. OK. I joined a mockup to make ideas clearer. I put the image on left and the keyboard on right (instead of top/bottom) so it make the thing easier for the eyes (more like "16/9" screens). It make layout also better looking in full screen mode. The blue background have to be replaced by the image, of course. I added "Reminding trys: 7" because it was missing with the keyboard. The difficulty and language is in the toolbar AND in the statusbar. I removed it from the statusbar. But that's another subject! Best regards, Sébastien Laoût. _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability