Hello everyone, Whether KControl should be Single Window(SW) or Multi window(MW) is crucial to how our future KControl will look like. Currently, I think a multi window approach is best. Here's why: * If we go for SW by having the navigation mechanism positioned outside the module viewing area(as our current kcontrol) it is hard to make KControl live up to the 800x600 requirement[1] and also have a good navigation mechanism. An MW approach, as the two currently proposed, easily lives up to that KDE UI Guidelines paragraph. * If we go for SW by fully hiding the navigation layout(which will be necessary if an effective navigation such as large icons, is to be used while being usable on 800x600) we take a major hit in consistency. This and the next paragraph is the major reasons to why I prefer SW. For the same reason we disables menu entries instead of hiding them, we should keep the navigation as static as possible: * It makes learning easier * It makes navigation easier since time is not spent on relocation * It provides a feeling of solidness and comfortness; the navigation is stable, looks the same, and is a "reference spot" the user always know. It never suddenly disappears, and will always be visible behind the configuration dialog since they are smaller than the main window. * MW means faster navigation since the navigation mechanism is not hidden(not faster as in how the user physically interacts, but the need of scanning the interface). Having the content of categories as an icon list in the configuration dialog[2] has the same drawback. The category cannot be viewed without opening a dialog and that makes Trial&Rrror and navigation in general much slower. However, the positive side is the "main" navigation then can be made simpler, but I think the cost is too high. I solved it by adding an additional icon view[3] -- the window is still small and the layout is simple. * Xandros' CTO explicitly states in an interview they prefer MW in KControl[2]. I don't know why they prefer it, but that is a vote for MW from a major linux distributor which targets regular users. * Someone stated MW is confusing for new users. Having a MW KControl is just as confusing as the desktop in general -- the window paradigm is fundamental. We have dialogs, messages boxes, wizards and so forth ad infinitum -- if that's ok, it must be alright with it in KControl too. It's like ordinary configuration dialogs, not worse. Remember, the configuration dialogs are, just as the ordinary ones, smaller than the main window, and always above the main window -- the former gives a sense of control, and the latter ensures they don't "dissapear" behind the main window. In other words, I prefer MW because SW hinders efficient navigation, not because it allows /multiple/ configuration dialogs -- as someone pointed out that is used by power users, and I would like to emphasize that aspect should not rule our decision. Could someone who preferrably is pro SW, correct/extend this email? Frans Footnotes --------- 1. http://developer.kde.org/documentation/standards/kde/style/basics/windows.html#win_size 2. Icon list on configuration dialog: http://www.csh.rit.edu/~benjamin/kcontrol4/screenshots/desktop.png 3. kdenonbeta/kcontrol4(icon size needs adjustment): http://www.kde-look.org/content/files/14848-kcontrol4.png 4. Interview with Xandros CTO: http://dot.kde.org/1083922704/ _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability