On Tuesday 08 June 2004 01:02 am, Dik Takken wrote: > On Mon, 7 Jun 2004, Jamethiel Knorth wrote: > > I'm going to post this to core-devel when 3.3 is released. A discussion > > about optimizing the search backend really belongs there. Some of the > > people on there probably will have some really solid ideas about it. > > Yes I agree, but not before the desired user experience has been defined > by us on this list. Once we have reach an agreement, we should prepare a > proposal. The people on the kde-core-devel list will need to discuss the > technical details of the proposal, discuss the priority of the featre > and decide if it's worth spending the required manpower on it. Most > kde-usability people won't be able to participate in that discussion > (which is good) so we must make sure that the usability part of the > discussion has been finished here first. > > Indeed, we should not discuss technical details like indexing, caching, > and so on. That's not our field. > I would propose that in thinking about usability, you forget everything about the technical limitations. There are enough bright fellows who know more about how systems actually work that will be able to take components and generate the results you want. In the end, it is all magic and hand waving as far as the usability folks should be concerned. I'd like to see two proposals: One for KDE 3000 (to be released 3 days from never) and the other for KDE 4. We should design and implement KDE 4 as a stepping stone to KDE 3000, adding useful, possible features, but keeping an eye on where we really want to be in the year 3000. -- Jonathan Gardner jgardner@jonathangardner.net _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability