At home, I right clicked the Windows Device icon and accessed properties. I was really confused by the reported free space... but then I noticed the partition was "/"! Not "/windws/C". Obviously, it is refering to the partition in which the link is stored, but I find it really confusing. (I was using KDE 3.1 by the way, in 3.2 the same happens but it doesn't even explicitly tells you which partition it is refering too... don't know if it was a good idea to remove that info). It's also inconsistent with the properties of the devices on konquerors side bar. They show info the device itself. In fact IMO you should have the same context menus on both places. I don't like the properties dialog of the devices on the sidebar though. Why do I have to explicitly calculate the free space on that partition? And why does it take so long? "df" on a terminal is pretty fast... J.A. _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list