> Stop > ---- > I am unsure about the Stop-button. Are there cases, where it is sensible to > stop loading a file in file management view and yet have part of the file > displayed? Otherwise, one could just click on a different file/folder or > whatever and thus stop loading a file. The the stop button could be dropped, Hum.. For people navigating FTP and NFS shares, the stop button might let them recover control of Konqueror. Maybe not, because at least in FTP konqueror is still usable, but I suppose in hard-mounted NFS shares it should hang or something. Is stop still useful as a bandwidth-conserving lever,. you know, for those using konq FTP over dialup lines? I have no idea, because I prefer not to - it is too slow and it feels like opening a new connection whenever I enter a new folder, instead of keeping the old one alive. > > as well. > > By just putting all different view modes into one button and dropping > "Print", > we could reduce the button number from 16 to 12, a reduction of 25%. Killing > > "Stop" would even give us a 31.25% reduction. > > What do you think? > > Greetings, > Christoph > > -- > | Christoph Niemann > | SuSE Usability Guild > | > | Contrary to popular opinion, the plural of 'anecdote' is not 'fact'. > > _______________________________________________ > kde-usability mailing list > kde-usability@mail.kde.org > https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability > suerte, Rudd-O =========================================================== UNIVERSIDAD TECNICA FEDERICO SANTA MARIA CAMPUS GUAYAQUIL CENTRO DE SERVICIOS INFORMATICOS Mail enviado a traves de IMP-USM: http://www.usm.edu.ec/imp Los invitamos a visitar http://www.usm.edu.ec =========================================================== _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@mail.kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability