> A usual project has several e-mails and other documents [...] > I cannot pass any command line arguments to kmail to open it as > e-mail (it just gets set as e-mail body text as a whole, including > all the headers). I'm the developer of BasKet and this program could interest you for group all items of a current task (files, mails, contacts...) in one place. A user has mailed me and said me that he was using my app for this purpose (future versions will allow this usage easier). I doesn't want to make advertising here, so please mail to know BasKet adress (if you want to test it) : not the way you've descibed but it's working. > KMail is and will always be an email client, no more, no less. But at > some point it might be possible to directly show email messages in > Konqueror or a not yet existant Task Manager. Hum... Yes, have mail storage in a filesystem format is not the main goal of a mail client but it's a KDE Integration work (and KMaim is a KDE program ! ). I was also wanting this "feature" and KMail already have a ~/Mail folder : it's intrusive at all !! - Because it's a sort of config folder and this must be a hidden folder (~/.kmail in the UNIX convention) ! - It is shown at the user : clutter the (already cluttered (by other apps) ) folder and can disturb the user : if this folder is shown, it have a interest : users (as me) will open it and look at, play with files... I'm not sure that KMail will agreee if users play with (quite sort of config-) files ! The new solution proposed here is good IMHO : we can add/remove mails with removing a file, create folders... by creating folders (!)... The KMail tree is... a tree (arborescence) ! Filesystem is also a tree. I do not view problems. Of course, whereas each ~/Mail folders will represent a KMail folder and each ~/Mail/* files will represent mails (and can be previewed in Konqueror, as a simple HTML and opened with KMail), config files (view config, read mails...) must be hidden in the folders : Users will just see mails in Konqueror and can add folders (if KMail see a new folder without attached config hidden file, it create it on the fly, of course). Do not forget (the ultimate argument ;-) ) : UNIX is a filesystem based OS : We see periphs as files, we see process as files, we see pipes as files... See mails as files is just a small formality and is important for consitancy ! In hope I've convinced KMail team (yes it isn't the right mailing) that some users (at least Me, Mark...) want have a UNIX mail conception (think to those who edit mails in konsole : filesystem paradigm is good). My app (BasKet) will also, in the future, allow to have baskets and items in physical folders and files : I considere this as a good feature and not as a gadget. For example, users will can use the standard KDE/GNOME/whateverElse file save dialog to save files as items. Can also be realised in KMail : save file in "Send box" will allow KMail to directly send it : - Create a file with an app - Save it into KMail "To send" folder - KMail notice the change and popup you a dialog, asking an address (and subject) - Click Send and that's all !! Think it's a good way. Idem : create and edit a text file in Nedit/emacs/vim and save it : mail is directly send !! That's all. I hop to not have bored you :-D _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability