On October 23, 2003 05:12, Rob wrote: > I think that those links should be moved into the main bookmarks tree on a > fresh KDE install, and at the very least the 'network' entry should be > replaced with lan:/ or rlan:/ as currently lisa is hidden in away > 'services' Yeah, this is a good idea. Remove 'LAN Browser' from 'Services' and make it the new 'Network' sidebar. I say so because i never really understood how the current 'Network' tab was different from the well known 'Bookmark' system. Like, in my bookmarks, i have a few ftp address, the machine of my roomate that is on our LAN, my sourceforge account via the fish io slave... etc. How the Network sidebar could have served me better? _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability