Am Dienstag, 19. August 2003 11:42 schrieb Michael Pye: > On Monday 18 August 2003 7:53 pm, William Leese wrote: > > I'm not sure that KDE has any objects that need to be doubleclicked by > > default. > > Exactly. Now what is everyone's view on simply discarding "accidental" > double clicks? I understand that it might be counter productive in that > users will not learn that their second click is being ignored, but some > kind of visual hint could be given when a double click was detected... > Noooo, don't do that. It already annoys me to hell that doubleclicks on toolbar buttons are silently discarded. So I can never go back two pages in konqueror fast (without leaving the mouse and using the keycombo instead). Kicker buttons do *not* swallow the second click, and I hope it stays that way, because I sometimes start more than one instance of an app (say, two konqueror browsers). In a single click environment, there is simply no notion of a double click, so two clicks within a short period of time should be interpreted as exactly that: two clicks within a short period of time which carry out the action *twice*. I can only state this: Do not try to make the system act "smart" by sacrifizing consistency. That's what we know and hate from Wind*ws. mfg Leo _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list