hello, i've got a surprise today when i was noticed about this error appearing on updated (html transformed to xhtml) content from yesterday: Parse error: parse error in /space/www/cvs/www/artist/index.html on line 1 is it the reason why u must have this meta in head of your xhtml pages: ??? i've never heard about this. should i add it there too and could this fix the problem? thanks for info if u know, luci -- :.. :.: ::: : luciash [graun]d' being :.:::.::. ::.::: :: :: : :.:.:: simply just an( )other web designer? :::::.::.:.:::.::: :.: : l u c i @ s h . g r o u n d . c z ::.:::..:::.::.::.:: :. :: c. p#one ++ 420 777 777 590 :::.::::..::.::: :: : :.: :: http://luci.skinbase.org ::.:::...:.: : .:: ::.: :: ::: :.. :.: ::: : _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list kde-usability@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-usability