Alle Friday 30 August 2002 19:39, Aaron J. Seigo ha scritto: > On Thursday 29 August 2002 05:26, Edoardo Causarano wrote: > > I had an idea while dl my email. Whenever a new message enters the > > currently visualized folder the subject list is refreshed causing > > noticeable flicker. Would it be possible to trap redraw events on the > > current folder? (Honestly, I did peek the kmail source but I ran away > > screaming in terror!) > > not sure that this is a usability issue, perhaps more of a look issue. in > any case, this would best be sent to the kmail developers, probably via the > bug system. Try choosing an email while dl new mails. Or reading one while the top widget is flashing like a club dancefloor ;-) You're right though, this is a bug... Edo -- 11:22am up 52 min, 1 user, load average: 0.64, 0.33, 0.22 _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list