From kde-usability Mon Aug 12 10:40:07 2002 From: David Faure Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 10:40:07 +0000 To: kde-usability Subject: Wheelmouse and modifiers X-MARC-Message: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 In QScrollview, Ctrl+wheelmouse scrolls around faster. In QTextEdit (even though it's a QScrollview), Ctrl+wheelmouse changes the zoom. (and Shift+wheelmouse does nothing in either of those) Which means QTextEdit has no "scroll faster" wheelmouse possibility, that's the bug here. The same problem happens with any text widget that uses a qscrollview (e.g. a word processor). IMHO it would be more logical that Shift scrolls faster, and Ctrl zooms. This is just like Shift+letter vs Ctrl+letter. Shift changes the result slightly, Ctrl leads to a totally different action. Qt: can QScrollView be changed, at least so that Shift+wheelmouse scrolls faster too? KDE: would this change be ok? Or are there too many people used to "Ctrl+wheel zooms faster", that it must be made an option? (please do not cc qt-bugs in your replies). [PS: some apps seem to have a "scroll slower" modifier. Can't see the point in that though.] - -- David FAURE,, Contributing to:, KOffice-1.2-rc1 is out. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see iD8DBQE9V5CH72KcVAmwbhARAv4VAJ4tIWpwJgxBmbiEsDSKNFhr5ddckQCdH9Sr JqedODuk8ODdDg0YkdCTsy0= =9LhG -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ kde-usability mailing list