KDE USABILITY TEST TEST 1: LOGGING IN, STARTING APPLICATIONS, FINDING AND OPENING FILES, LOGGING OUT ========== Test setup: ========== Create a user named "test" with a password of "test457dx" on your machine. Ensure that the user is visible from the KDM login manager, and that the user can connect to the internet as normal. In the user's home directory, create a folder called "instructions", and in it, create an HTML file called README.htm with a few words about the website www.kde.org. Create another file called "open_source_notes.txt" with a few words about open source philosophy. Put it in a directory which the test user can read, but not in an "obvious" place (e.g. not in the home directory). Have a watch ready to monitor how long the test subject takes to perform each of the tasks detailed in the user instructions. Take notes on each of the tasks - did anything cause the user difficulty? Did the subject do things in a different way from what you expected? Were there system behaviours that frustrated the subject? Did the subject get "stuck" and have to ask for help? ========== Test subject instructions: ========== 1. An account has been created for you on the new computer system. The user's login is "test" and the password is "test457dx". Please login to the new system. 2. Your administrator has given you a README file to tell you about the new system. The file is called README.htm and is in a folder called "instructions" in your home directory. Please find the file and open it. 3. Now you've opened the file, you would like to look at the www.kde.org website. Start up an internet browser and browse to the www.kde.org website. 4. Earlier, you made some notes about 'open source' software, but you can't remember where you put the file. You think it's called something like 'Open source', but you aren't sure what! Try to find the file on your computer. When you have found it, open it and read it. 5. That's all you're going to do for today. Please log out of the computer. 6. Congratulations - you've finished the tasks! Now we would like to ask you some questions about how easy you found these tasks. ========== Test subject questions: ========== 1. How easy was it to log in to the computer? VERY EASY - QUITE EASY - ABOUT AVERAGE - QUITE HARD - VERY HARD 2. Think about finding and opening the README.htm file. How easy was it to find the file? VERY EASY - QUITE EASY - ABOUT AVERAGE - QUITE HARD - VERY HARD 2a. When you had found it, how easy was it to open the file? VERY EASY - QUITE EASY - ABOUT AVERAGE - QUITE HARD - VERY HARD 3. How easy was it to start the internet browser on this computer? VERY EASY - QUITE EASY - ABOUT AVERAGE - QUITE HARD - VERY HARD 4. How easy was it to find the "open source" document? VERY EASY - QUITE EASY - ABOUT AVERAGE - QUITE HARD - VERY HARD 5. Finally, how easy was it to log out of the computer? VERY EASY - QUITE EASY - ABOUT AVERAGE - QUITE HARD - VERY HARD 6. Overall, would you say the new computer system was easy to use? VERY EASY - QUITE EASY - ABOUT AVERAGE - QUITE HARD - VERY HARD 6a. Can you think of anything that could be done to make the computer system easier to use? 7. Did you enjoy using the new computer system? VERY MUCH - QUITE A LOT - NO STRONG FEELINGS - NOT VERY MUCH - NOT AT ALL 8. Can you think of anything that could be done to make the computer system more fun to use? 9. Please use this space to make any other comments about this computer system: 10. How often do you normally use a computer? Choose the closest answer. NEVER USED A COMPUTER - ONCE A MONTH OR LESS - ONCE A MONTH OR MORE - ONCE A WEEK OR MORE- DAILY 11. How long have you used computers for? Choose the closest answer. NEVER USED A COMPUTER - UP TO 1 YEAR - UP TO 2 YEARS - UP TO 5 YEARS - MORE THAN 5 YEARS 12. What sort of computers do you have previous experience with? NONE - WINDOWS - MACINTOSH - UNIX/LINUX ========== Observation notes: ========== 1. Login Time taken: Notes: 2. Finding and opening file: Time taken: Notes: 3. Opening web browser, browsing to website Time taken: Notes: 4. Searching for file by name: Time taken: Notes: 5. Logging out: Time taken: Notes: Other notes: