Le samedi 21 juillet 2012 10:40:17 Volker Krause a =E9crit : > When looking at KWallet security and usability, there's another aspect th= at > came up in discussions during Akademy: The "Do you want to allow applicat= ion > foo access your wallet?" dialog. It might give the impression that only > certain "trusted" applications can access the wallet, which is totally > misleading. The application name can trivially be faked, and the > "allow/deny always" decision is simply stored in a plain text config file. > = > I assume the intention of this was rather to give users the choice to not > store data of well-known/well-behaving applications in the wallet (maybe = due > to security concerns). Kinda makes sense, but might be better solvable by= a > corresponding option on the application level (like web browsers do for > example, and I think most Akonadi agents as well), instead of bothering me > with yet another dialog when first using KWallet. This also avoids the > false sense of security. Killing this dialog would be good indeed. It always gets in the way of new = users and does not bring much. Aur=E9lien _______________________________________________ KDE-Telepathy mailing list KDE-Telepathy@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-telepathy