El dilluns, 27 de novembre de 2023, a les 8:57:26 (CET), Heiko Becker va escriure: > Hi everyone, > > the question of the next Gear release (after 24.02) came up in #kde-devel > yesterday evening. Due to this, it also occured to me that we haven't > scheduled any bug fix releases for 24.02 itself. Which is a bit connected > to the first question, because I guess we don't want too many stable > branches at the same time (as in more than 1 really). > > I mostly see three options, but of course please chime if you think of > something else: > > > a) Continue with the usual dates, eg. 24.04 and 24.08. (or omitting 24.04 > and continue with 24.08 right away) > > b) Continue with the usual interval, so 24.06, 24.10 and so on > > c) Slightly change the interval to come back to the proven schedule with > its nice numbers divisible by 4, so something like, 24.05 and 24.08. > > > Personally, I'd favour b) or c). I think a) is either too short or too > long. Not sure how b) would interact with holiday schedules, exams or > distro releases though. I think b) isn't the best idea, I think the .4/.8/.12 schedule has worked well for us for a long time, we only exceptionally decided to shift it for this release because it was better to ship most of our things together because of the Qt6 migration. Personally in my brain I had the a) scenario, but you are right that having 24.04 just after 24.02 may not be the best time wise (and waiting for 24.08 is also too much), so I have now been convinced that c) may be a get idea, so we get back to our "usual" release schedule a bit more "slowly" That would leave us with: 24.02.0: February 24.02.1: March 24.02.2: April 24.05.0: May 24.05.1: June 24.05.2: July 24.08.0: August ... resume usual scheduling ... Cheers, Albert > > Regards, > Heiko