------=_Part_8305282_1859393399.1568897393785 Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 14:49:53 +0200 (CEST) From: Tom Albers To: KDE release coordination Cc: sysadmin Message-ID: <563316380.8305280.1568897393722.JavaMail.zimbra@kovoks.nl> In-Reply-To: References: Subject: Re: Source Signing MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_a5a7cb2b-41c1-4f81-bcd7-62b8a85625e5" Thread-Topic: Source Signing Thread-Index: 67HYG2Hlx8z0VGiMsSjpJhz2A35Bbw== --=_a5a7cb2b-41c1-4f81-bcd7-62b8a85625e5 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I'ld also like to add that currently some developers have access to do releases directly - I've also seen those people putting the files on the ftp-server for other projects then the original intention had been. I would like to propose that *all* releases should follow the below proposal, effectively that would involve that the direct access would be cancelled for those currently having access to the ftp-server directly. This means an improved paper trail for those releases too and further reduces the effect of compromised accounts and / or tarballs. Best, Tom Albers KDE Sysadmin ----- Op 19 sep 2019 om 13:46 schreef Ben Cooksley : > On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 1:24 PM Harald Sitter wrote: > > At akademy we had a poorly attended bof about release artifact > > signing. Jonathan raised the concern that while we generally sign our > > stuff we do not actually verify the signatures properly so coverage > > and reliability is dodgy at best. > > This largely factors into what Friedrich raised a while ago in > > https://phabricator.kde.org/T11304. > > (The stuff below only partially affects kf5,apps,plasma as their > > release processes are slightly different...) > > To get a source tarball released any one person can create a tarball, > > upload it to the relevant server and file a syadmin ticket. > > It is then upon the sysadmins to decide on a case by case basis if a > > given person should be allowed to even make a release of our software. > > This is hugely informal. > It is correct that there is no formally defined list of people who are > allowed to make releases of a given package. > For the most part, the checking process is reliant upon our knowledge > of who is involved with what project. > > What's more as far as we are aware the sysadmins currently do not > > verify or require signatures, so if an identity account of a developer > > was compromised malicious releases could be uploaded and published. > It is correct that we do not validate the GPG signatures submitted to us. > > And following the delivery pipeline, the distributions then again have > > to employ informal checks to verify the signatures, if they verify > > them at all. > > To deal with these problems we, Albert, Jonathan and I, concluded that > > it would be a good idea to formalize this process. The sysadmins > > should keep a keyring of public "release keys", and before making > > their first (source) release developers need to request release > > permission. That is to say they need to pop their gpg key somewhere > > (e.g. gitlab) and sysadmins then need to "vet" this person before > > picking the gpg key into their keyring. > > When someone uploads a source tarball we can then require it to have > > an associated signature. Sysadmins can gpg-verify the signature and by > > extension the uploaded artifact. Because of the keyring this could be > > fully automated and replace the current (presumably manual) shasum > > checks and hopefully make sysadmin's life easier. > While the process is manual in so far as a Sysadmin has to look at it, > the process has by-and-large been automated. > When someone submits a file for release, we run each hash/filename > pair through a script, which takes three parameters: > 1) The destination of the file > 2) The hash of the file > 3) The name of the file to be released. > The script then validates the hash, and if all is well prompts if it > is okay to proceed with moving the file to it's final destination. > This provides a reasonable degree of assurance that the file released > is the one that the person originally uploaded, but you are correct > that it does not defend against attacks where someone's Identity > account has been compromised. > > On the distribution side the keyring can be used to reduce the amount > > of trust-on-first-use that has to be put into a new key as the > > sysadmin's release keyring would only contain vetted keys, > > demonstrating some minimal trust already. > > An unfortunate side effect is that the release process gets yet > > another step: getting your gpg key verified by sysadmins. A one-time > > step, but a step nonetheless. > > Currently our stance is that none of this would apply to non-source > > releases because there may be conflicting signature systems already in > > place. Notable example is windows where .exes have their own signing > > system already, so requiring gpg on top of that is probably useless. > > TLDR: no source releases without gpg signature, sysadmins maintain > > public keyring of developers who are allowed to release and use it to > > verify uploads, distros can use keyring to verify downloads > > What are your thoughts? > This seems reasonable at first glance. > Given some of the submissions we receive, i'm a little hesitant to > fully automate the process (at least until we've worked out all > potential issues and have a reasonably strong system in place for > preventing bad things from happening) > With regards to the keyring itself however, how were you envisioning > this operating? > In terms of how it would operate - were you thinking of it as a "this > person is authorised to release any KDE software" or "this person is > authorised to release X, Y and Z bits of KDE software"? > > We'd still need to figure out what exactly vetting entails. Could be > > as simple as having access to a developer account on gitlab. > I've a few ideas on how this might work - part of which may involve > using GPG signed commits (which Gitlab has the ability to validate if > you let Gitlab know your key fingerprint) > > HS > Cheers, > Ben --=_a5a7cb2b-41c1-4f81-bcd7-62b8a85625e5 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I'ld also like to add that currently some dev= elopers have access to do releases directly - I've also seen those people p= utting the files on the ftp-server for other projects then the original int= ention had been.

I would like to propose that *all* releases should follow the below pr= oposal, effectively that would involve that the direct access would be canc= elled for those currently having access to the ftp-server directly.
<= div style=3D"font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; colo= r: #333333">This means an improved paper trail for those releases too and f= urther reduces the effect of compromised accounts and / or tarballs.

Tom Albers
KDE Sysadmin
----- Op 19 sep 2019= om 13:46 schreef Ben Cooksley <bcooksley@kde.org>:
On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 1:24 PM Harald Sitter <sitter@kde.= org> wrote:
> At akademy we had a poorly attended bof abou= t release artifact
> signing. Jonathan raised the concern that while = we generally sign our
> stuff we do not actually verify the signature= s properly so coverage
> and reliability is dodgy at best.
> Th= is largely factors into what Friedrich raised a while ago in
> https:= //phabricator.kde.org/T11304.
> (The stuff below only partial= ly affects kf5,apps,plasma as their
> release processes are slightly = different...)
> To get a source tarball released any one pers= on can create a tarball,
> upload it to the relevant server and file = a syadmin ticket.
> It is then upon the sysadmins to decide on a case= by case basis if a
> given person should be allowed to even make a r= elease of our software.
> This is hugely informal.

It is corre= ct that there is no formally defined list of people who are
allowed to m= ake releases of a given package.
For the most part, the checking process= is reliant upon our knowledge
of who is involved with what project.
> What's more as far as we are aware the sysadmins currently= do not
> verify or require signatures, so if an identity account of = a developer
> was compromised malicious releases could be uploaded an= d published.

It is correct that we do not validate the GPG signature= s submitted to us.

> And following the delivery pipeline,= the distributions then again have
> to employ informal checks to ver= ify the signatures, if they verify
> them at all.
> To = deal with these problems we, Albert, Jonathan and I, concluded that
>= it would be a good idea to formalize this process. The sysadmins
> s= hould keep a keyring of public "release keys", and before making
> th= eir first (source) release developers need to request release
> permi= ssion. That is to say they need to pop their gpg key somewhere
> (e.g= . gitlab) and sysadmins then need to "vet" this person before
> picki= ng the gpg key into their keyring.
> When someone uploads a s= ource tarball we can then require it to have
> an associated signatur= e. Sysadmins can gpg-verify the signature and by
> extension the uplo= aded artifact. Because of the keyring this could be
> fully automated= and replace the current (presumably manual) shasum
> checks and hope= fully make sysadmin's life easier.

While the process is manual in so= far as a Sysadmin has to look at it,
the process has by-and-large been = automated.

When someone submits a file for release, we run each hash= /filename
pair through a script, which takes three parameters:
1) The= destination of the file
2) The hash of the file
3) The name of the f= ile to be released.

The script then validates the hash, and if all i= s well prompts if it
is okay to proceed with moving the file to it's fin= al destination.

This provides a reasonable degree of assurance that = the file released
is the one that the person originally uploaded, but yo= u are correct
that it does not defend against attacks where someone's Id= entity
account has been compromised.

> On the distribu= tion side the keyring can be used to reduce the amount
> of trust-on-= first-use that has to be put into a new key as the
> sysadmin's relea= se keyring would only contain vetted keys,
> demonstrating some minim= al trust already.
> An unfortunate side effect is that the re= lease process gets yet
> another step: getting your gpg key verified = by sysadmins. A one-time
> step, but a step nonetheless.
&= gt; Currently our stance is that none of this would apply to non-source
= > releases because there may be conflicting signature systems already in=
> place. Notable example is windows where .exes have their own signi= ng
> system already, so requiring gpg on top of that is probably usel= ess.
> TLDR: no source releases without gpg signature, sysadm= ins maintain
> public keyring of developers who are allowed to releas= e and use it to
> verify uploads, distros can use keyring to verify d= ownloads
> What are your thoughts?

This seems reasonab= le at first glance.

Given some of the submissions we receive, i'm a = little hesitant to
fully automate the process (at least until we've work= ed out all
potential issues and have a reasonably strong system in place= for
preventing bad things from happening)

With regards to the ke= yring itself however, how were you envisioning
this operating?

In= terms of how it would operate - were you thinking of it as a "this
pers= on is authorised to release any KDE software" or "this person is
authori= sed to release X, Y and Z bits of KDE software"?

> We'd s= till need to figure out what exactly vetting entails. Could be
> as s= imple as having access to a developer account on gitlab.

I've a few = ideas on how this might work - part of which may involve
using GPG signe= d commits (which Gitlab has the ability to validate if
you let Gitlab kn= ow your key fingerprint)

> HS


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