El Dilluns, 30 de desembre de 2013, a les 12:40:33, David Faure va escriure: > On Saturday 28 December 2013 17:34:35 Albert Astals Cid wrote: > > > In any case - yes, these scripts make a lot of sense, we should work on > > > automating the tagging, and I can help with that. > > > > This is the silly script i have, it needs some work to integrate it better > > with the exisitng stuff, but basically it does the job. > > Here's my improvement to the script, but I couldn't test it yet :) Should git tag -a $version $b -m "Create tag for $version" || exit 4 be git tag -a $tagname $b -m "Create tag for $version" || exit 4 ? > (apart from adding "echo" in front of the git commands for now and checking > that it all runs fine). > > Could be useful for you too (hence my idea of sharing our work in KDE/4.12 > rather than in a separate kf5 branch) -- but OTOH there's one bit that's > framework-specific, the finding of the module where kdesrc-build puts it, > under frameworks/ or kdesupport/ -- this won't apply to KDE SC. > Do you have all the KDE SC git modules checked out the flat way, next to > each other? I do :D Cheers, Albert _______________________________________________ release-team mailing list release-team@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/release-team