On Tuesday 29 April 2008 20:19:13 Rafael Fernández López wrote: > Hi Allen and release team, > > I have been working some time on a new widget for kdelibs. Its place would > be kdelibs/kdeui/widgets. I need to polish its documentation, and I will > have it ready at most for next week. > > The properties dialog, for example would look this way: > http://media.ereslibre.es/2008/04/kpropertiesdialog43.png > > Since it is a very simple widget, and it doesn't add any interaction or > whatever with the user (only drawing beauty), I really think users like to > see from version to version GUI and eye-candy improvements at certain > places. > > Would you let me get this into kdelibs if it gets accepted in > kde-core-devel ? or asked in other way, after getting technical OK, do I > have release OK from the release team ? > Rafael, This widget isn't listed on the Feature Plan, nor is it listed on the "Widgets and Classes" page on Techbase. Since we are in "Soft Feature Freeze", you can't add a new feature unless it is listed in one of those two places. However: I'm a little unclear if a new widget counts as a "Feature". Especially a widget like this. My opinion: if you get an ok from k-c-d then I would say "sure, go ahead". But other Release Team members might object.. -Allen _______________________________________________ release-team mailing list release-team@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/release-team