Hi everybody, you may know that I have been developing a successor to KHexEdit, named Okteta (no coauthors so far). I have done so in playground/utils/okteta the last months. The program Okteta has now reached a state where the basic functionality is working. So I would like to move it (back) to kdeutils. Thus I have moved Okteta to kdereview. Okteta is completly ported to KDE 4, even depends on trunk. Parts of the code are covered by unit tests. I also care for the error reports by EBN, always try to keep the number of reports low (the include ones currently listed are false positives, need to report this to a krazy person), see http://englishbreakfastnetwork.org/krazy/reports/playground/utils/okteta/index.html All user visible strings should be translatable. I also did a primitive first version of a documentation, see kdereview/doc/okteta. I hope the review finds the functionality and the code quality satisfying, so Okteta can get into a main module (kdeutils) in time for KDE 4.1 preparations. The review process asks for approval from the module coordinator. A look at http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Projects/Release_Team#Module_Coordinators tells there is currently noone. Who would I ask then? For those who are having a closer look at the code: The program is based on some libraries, which have been in subfolders of KHexEdit since KDE 3.2, today named liboktetacore and liboktetagui. While not used by KHexEdit, those libs are used for a hexedit KPart and a module named KBytesEdit, the later implementing the interfaces from kdelibs/interfaces/khexedit (used by at least KPilot and KDevelop), both located in the subdirectory kdeutils/khexedit/parts. Other than KHexEdit all that code has been ported in time for KDE 4.0 and is released with it, while the KHexEdit code was removed. Now because the development of the program Okteta went parallel to the 4.0 release, these libraries and parts had been branched in playground/utils/okteta, so BIC was no problem. So in kdereview Okteta consists of * the program (new) * the libs core and gui (old and improved) * the KPart and the module (old and adapted to lib changes) If Okteta can move to kdeutils/okteta, the old versions of the libraries and parts in kdeutils/khexedit/* will be svn rm'ed, as they are turned obsolete by the Okteta code from kdereview. Some other (background) information can be found at my blog http://frinring.wordpress.com/category/okteta/ and on the kde-apps page http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=77819 Regards Friedrich PS: Dear l10n team: Would you please move the Okteta po files to the l10n kdereview folder? Thank you ! _______________________________________________ release-team mailing list release-team@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/release-team