On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Sebastian Kügler <sebas@kde.org> wrote:

I've come to think that we have two kinds of groups:

- "Old Farts", they reject change, anyway, and they won't be budged to not
  call it KDE 5, they will get confusing reactions to that, but won't really
  care, except perhaps bitch more about versions

FYI, the biggest Czech server about Linux, abclinuxu.cz, is already talking about KDE5[1], it's in the exact same sense as "KDE4" was used back in the 4.0 days.

This brings a question - are we going to call Plasma 5 only the shell (panel+wallpaper) or the "whole experience", including applications (and a bundle of frameworks)?

If the former, then people /will/ call it KDE5 because they will look for some simple word to encompass that "what distributions ship", which would be Plasma shell 5, KDE Applications whatever and KDE Frameworks 5 combination. And it's just awkward to think every. single. time about "am I supposed to write Applications here? Or Plasma? Or...ah to hell with it, I'll put down KDE5, people will understand".

So I'd propose to call the "experience" Plasma 5, not just the shell, which used to be KDE Plasma Workspaces in the 4 times.

I'm also thinking we could each spend 10 minutes and email our national biggest Linux/FOSS news servers (the serious ones, not the phoronix crap ones) and tell them things changed and how. I bet we could cover whole EU if everyone on this list emails their respective country servers. If they will still get it wrong, nothing we can do...

[1] The intro paragraph - http://www.abclinuxu.cz/clanky/kubuntu-14.04-lts-aneb-ubuntu-s-nejnovejsim-kde-4.13
Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer