
Thanks for the feedback.

Yeah the black screens are "transitions".  The video is sewn together from a ton of little clips.  I haven't figured out how to make pretty transitions with Kdenlive yet but I still have the source files and might go back and try to fix the transitions to look a little nicer now that the holidays are over and I have some spare time.  

Definitely agree on the microphone thing and hope to do better with that in the future though probably won't ever fix it in this particular video because it would mean starting from scratch essentially unless someone knows some cool audio mastering tricks I haven't found yet.  I had some difficulty getting all the levels just's a lot harder to make a nice sounding recording than you would originally think.  ALSA doesn't exactly make life simple with these things :)  By the time I got it sounding as decent as it did I was pretty well frustrated and didn't have the patience to re-record it all again.


On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 8:31 PM, Nathan Ogden <> wrote:
On 12/23/2009 09:33 AM, Justin Kirby wrote:
> Anne,
> Thanks for this advice.  Hopefully I didn't rush through too fast, but
> it is a narrated video so there's not any reading people have to do
> besides the words you see in the application.  Though I guess this
> also introduces potential issues in speaking too fast and making it
> hard for non-native english speakers to understand you.
> Anyways, I went ahead and posted the video on my own YouTube
> site:
> Let me know if you'd like it uploaded anywhere else in particular.
>  I'll hold off on writing a Planet entry or anything until I hear that
> some of you have seen it and confirmed that I don't say anything
> blatantly inaccurate in it.  Though I spent a lot of time fighting
> with minor editing things so I can't guarantee I'll have the
> motivation to go back and fix stuff if it's only suggestions on minor
> things ;-)
> Justin
I enjoyed the video, Justin. It was very informative and definitely
worth watching. I have a couple of suggestions for future videos. 1)
When I was watching, every several seconds a black screen would appear
and go away. Is there any way to get rid of that? 2) I could hear you
breathing into the microphone sometimes. Maybe you turn away from the
mic when you are not speaking?

Anyway, those are minor things. Thanks for doing the video.


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