I've shared a document with you: Dot - KDE on ReactOS http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AXwdjm-WTcHTZGNyNzk1M3BfNmN0eHFxcnRi&hl=en&invite=CPycyqkD It's not an attachment -- it's stored online at Google Docs. To open this document, just click the link above. Hi folks, There should be a link (above/below?) to a draft dot article on KDE on ReactOS - see earlier thread on this list. I'm also including the article below for anyone without google docs access. Basically, I can't get KDE to run at all on ReactOS, so the article is pretty short. I found a dedicated website (well, page) at http://kde-reactos.sourceforge.net/ but it seems very outdated so I don't see any point linking to it. I'll have another look at this tomorrow and will submit the article tomorrow evening (probably around 2000 UTC), with any modifications received by then, unless anyone asks me not to. Cheers, Stu Article: While the KDE community busied itself with preparations for the 4.3 release, KDE 4 continued to spread on to new platforms with users reporting (machine translation of original Italian) some success in running KDE onReactOS. ReactOS is a free software reimplementation of the Windows XP architecture. Earlier efforts existed to run KDE 3 on ReactOS (on top of Cygwin) but the latest successes use native KDE 4 Windows applications as produced by the KDE Windows team. ReactOS is still in alpha stage and not recommended for everyday use - attempting to use the latest KDE Windows installer on ReactOS running in a virtual machine resulted in a blue screen of death. Nonetheless, this is yet another platform beginning to gain KDE support and in future could provide a free software alternative for trying out the Windows versions of KDE applications. And of course it brings KDE goodness to the ReactOS desktop. _______________________________________________ This message is from the kde-promo mailing list. Visit https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-promo to unsubscribe, set digest on or temporarily stop your subscription.