Write about KDE

The purpose of this page is to help anyone who wants to write about KDE, be it for a blog or a magazine. We will give you some general tips and ideas, show you how to find information and help you contact the community with questions.

General tips

Free Software has different ideals and principles guiding it than proprietary software. The following tips can help you write a better and more complete article by pointing out the differences in culture between proprietary and free software communities.

Finding information.

As most work in KDE is done over the Internet, 95% of the information can be found there as well. But much of this information is hidden away in mailing-lists, chat channels and blogs. It is hard to extract information out of those in an efficient way, so we will give you a few pointers on how to find information about a topic efficiently.

The KDE site

The first source of information about KDE and the project can be found on the KDE website  [1]. What is KDE [2] and general information about KDE [3] are of most interest. Of course, the site of the Free Software Foundation [4] and the GNU project [5] can give you more information on our roots and the principles of Free Software. Don't skip the philosophy section [6]! If you want to read more about the way Free Software works and is being developed compared to proprietary software, this essay by Eric S. Raymond is worth a read: The Cathedral and the Bazaar [7].

Release announcements

Often, the release announcements [8] come with a nice, graphical overview of what's new. Based on this, one can quickly write an interesting piece showcasing the newest and greatest features in KDE.


Most individual KDE sub-projects have their own website under the kde.org [9] umbrella. For example, the educational project can be found on edu.kde.org [10]. These sites are aggregated on the Projects page [11]. It is a good place to start and find the basic information, but be aware that it can be seriously outdated!


Much more technical information can be found on the techbase site [12]. KDE gathers all relevant developer information here. Interesting pages can be:


The KDE news site

A premier source off information about KDE is the KDE news site, the Dot [16]. It offers search functionality [17], and we can give a recommendation: The 'Road to KDE 4' [18] series by Troy Unrau are an excellent starting point on the many new technologies available in KDE 4. Further, just searching for the technology you are looking for, like 'Decibel' will help you find what you are looking for.


For information about the KDE developers, we recommend People behind KDE [19]. It offers interviews with many KDE developers. Further, you can find their blogs mostly on the Planet [20]. Look under subscriptions for individual feeds.

Commit Digest

The Commit Digest [21] is a very valuable source of more detailed information, but it can be hard to extract due to the sheer amount of information. A good tip is to quickly read the 'This Week' section at the top to get a quick overview of "what's hot". Further, you can use the search functionality in your web-browser...

Mailing-list Archives

The most detailed information generally available online is to be found in the mailing-list archives of the several KDE projects. Links to these mailing-lists can be found on their respective websites (see the Projects [22] site).

An example of the edu mailing-list archives can be found here [23]. Using the search functionality is often required to find anything useful in a decent amount of time!

Contacting the community

If you want to have the latest information, or verify what you're writing, the best place to ask is on the mailing-list [24] or the IRC channels [25]. You can subscribe to the mailing-list (but don't have to, just be sure to mention it if you're not so they include you personally in the replies), information about this can be found on the individual projects' [26] websites. The same goes for IRC, the channel-names and server information.

If you want to get in contact with individual developers, you can send them an email. Names can often be found on the Project [11] website or on People behind KDE [19], and google-ing often brings up their email address (tip: Google the name + "KDE").


If you want to write about KDE, it is often advisable to find a specific source of interest, as the whole of KDE is a lot to write about. Picking one of the technologies behind KDE and writing an article about them is made easy by the huge amount of information available online. The above guide can help you quickly gather the basic information, and it tells you where you can find or ask about the current status.

Written by Troy Unrau and Jos Poortvliet

[1] http://www.kde.org/
[2] http://kde.org/whatiskde/
[3] http://kde.org/info/
[4] http://www.fsf.org/
[5] http://www.gnu.org/
[6] http://www.gnu.org/philosophy
[7] http://www.catb.org/%7Eesr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar/
[8] http://www.kde.org/announcements/
[9] http://www.kde.org/
[10] http://edu.kde.org/
[11] http://techbase.kde.org/Projects
[12] http://techbase.kde.org/
[13] http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Architecture/KDE4
[14] http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules
[15] http://techbase.kde.org/Projects
[16] http://dot.kde.org/
[17] http://dot.kde.org/searchForm
[18] http://www.googlesyndicatedsearch.com/u/dot?as_q=road+to+kde&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&num=100
[19] http://www.behindkde.org/
[20] http://planetkde.org/
[21] http://www.commit-digest.org/
[22] http://techbase.kde.org/Projects
[23] http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-edu/
[24] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mailinglist
[25] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat