On Friday 26 January 2007 05:44:22 pm Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote: > > So Ubuntu, SUSE, RedHat, Gentoo, Mandrake really hurt? I don't think the > identifying name must be too close in semantics. Ubuntu has a meaning, and is an integral part of Canonical's marketing. SUSE was originally S.u.S.E. - "Software- und System-Entwicklung" ("Software and System Development"). A gentoo is a penguin, and Mandrake was a product of MandrakeSoft (then with Conectiva added, it became Mandriva). So they aren't really funky names :) But I get your point. The main thing though, is popularity. Most of these have been around a long while now, and some started quite small. As it spread, it became more well known, attracted more people, and became a "common" name. > > > kimdaba used to be a favourite example of mine, but they fixed that: now > > it's kphotoalbum. much better. > > But claims a pretty general term. How to name another one? KPhotoalbum 2? Or maybe KPhotoBook, or maybe drop the K, and go with PictureGallery, or something more interesting, like daguerreotype, and have a historical reference. Still on topic though. Ok I'm going to stop or I'll probably keep going on a lengthy email, without a real reason. Chalk it up to being hungry, and a bit bored, on a friday night ;) -Joseph M. Gaffney _______________________________________________ This message is from the kde-promo mailing list. Visit https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-promo to unsubscribe, set digest on or temporarily stop your subscription.